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Assisted Living and Care Facilities

New Era of Assisted Living Facility Management

The innovative Essence Care@Home technology is a comprehensive solution for monitoring care facility’s residents, both in public spaces and within the comfort of their own rooms, prioritizing privacy while ensuring top-tier medical and personal care. This assures residents they’re always cared for, never alone, and in emergencies, our system alerts staff for a timely, effective response.

With Essence Care@Home solutions, care facilities can redefine the resident experience, promoting enhanced well-being, safety, and peace of mind for residents and caregivers.


Elevating Senior Care
with IoT Technology

Comprehensive solution for round-the-clock monitoring of care facility’s residents, both in public spaces and within their private rooms without disturbing or intruding on their privacy and yet guaranteeing swift and appropriate assistance

Round-the-clock residents' activity monitoring

Emergencies detection and alerting such as falls

Instant 2-way voice communication with the staff in case of need

AI-based behavioral monitoring enables remote supervision and configurable care plans

24/7 real-time data collection, easy access and management digital residents' data

Easy to deploy, manage and scale up

Essence Care@Home a Complete Eco System


Elevating Senior Care with IoT Technology

Comprehensive solution for round-the-clock monitoring of care facility’s residents, both in public spaces and within their private rooms without disturbing or intruding on their privacy and yet guaranteeing swift and appropriate assistance

Always On

Round-the-clock residents' activity monitoring


Emergencies detection and allerting such as falls


Instant 2-way voice communication with the staff in case of need

Personalized Care

AI-based behavioral monitoring enables remote supervision and configurable care plans

Voice Activation

24/7 real-time data collection, easy access and managemnt digital residents' data

Emergencies Detection

Easy to deploy, manage and scale up

How it works

Personal Space

The range of Essence Care@Home peripherial non-intrusive sensors such as Essence SmartCare MDsense , radar-based fall detector, panic button and emergency voice communicator provide round-the-clock activity monitoring for residents within their rooms without disturbing or intruding on their privacy.

Public Space

Our advanced technologies provide seniors with comfort and security in public areas, monitoring their daily activities and detecting emergencies while maintaining their sense of independence and facilitating instant communication with caregivers.

Control Station

The seamless connection between peripheral devices and the control station enables staff to conduct 24/7 remote monitoring of all residents, promptly receive alarms, and provide the necessary responses, enhancing service quality and staff satisfaction.

Senior Care Facilities

Example of a a typical aged care facility


All types of care facilities are facing several serious challenges around compliance, sustainability, staff engagement, communication, and resident autonomy.

By implementing Essence Care@Home Solution, you gain:

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about Essence